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I've taken it upon myself to start an e-newsletter of sorts, in particular for those under my care, as you are now foremost in my mind. I think it'll also serve me personally, in that I don't get time to write anymore, so this will be an adequate vent for my aching spleen, plus I can revisit - or in fact visit for the first time - concepts that many people question me about frequently, whether they're under my care or not. I will try to shed light on them, or spin them to look from another perspective, or dismantle them if they're false. As a disclaimer: this, and future issues, are not endorsed by any sponsors so you will not be obligated to purchase a product that won't actually appear anywhere. It will also be fairly informal. I'll be writing about whatever I feel at the very moment my fingertips touch the keyboard, so please feel free to interact, respond or ask questions that might be elaborated on in upcoming issues of WICA, which brings me to my next point...
The title, WICA (What Is Chiropractic Anyway), stems from the closing line a friend and I would share at the end of each heavy philosophical debate about life, the universe, and everything. We're both studying chiropractic and have rather left field views on most things. We'd agree though that the purpose of chiropractic is quite simply: To initiate changes within the nervous system. Some like to call it the "nerve" system because nervous might be mistaken for anxiety, hence making the chiropractor's primary goal to scare the living daylights out of you. Assuredly, this is not the case. We only fear what we do not know (False Evidence Appearing Real), which is yet another reason for writing a couple of paragraphs every week - not only provide information on why you come and see me, but to understand how you, yourself, work.
So with the purpose of chiropractic now in mind, my friend and I would debate the endless means of initiating changes within the nervous system. There are over 160 techniques in chiropractic, which is indicative of the diversity of the human being. If one technique worked for everyone, then naturally there'd only be one technique. Yet even though the chiropractic adjustment is the most powerful stimulus the nervous system can receive at a single moment in time, we are sensorial organisms - meaning that we operate by virtue of all the input we receive all day, everyday. And if this is how we grow, evolve, learn, and adapt, then surely anything that provides stimulus (growth-promoting stimulus, I should say) would be a form of chiropractic? Well... yes, I suppose, and this is how the title came about: What Is Chiropractic Anyway?
The word chiropractic is derived from the Greek terms, cheiro and praktos, meaning "done by hand". That is all. So when you're confronted with arguments of, This is chiropractic! No THAT'S chiropractic! Remember that all it simply means is... the art performed by hand. There are a lot of arts performed by hand, so what is chiropractic anyway? Ya know, to be honest, I don't actually know. This is because the universe within us is as vast as the universe without. For most, the receptor on a cell in the body is as foreign, and as close, as the sun's closest star system, Alpha Centauri. But we do know that when the universe within us is in perfect harmony, then so is the universe without. At this stage in the evolution of man, a particular window of interest to view harmony or disharmony, is the nervous system. Can you name one function within your body that is not controlled by it? Then wouldn't it make sense to make this our first port of call in health assessment?
Sometimes the simplest things are overlooked because they appear too obvious. I don't believe life is supposed to be difficult and complicated. And this is just one aspect of why I love being a chiropractor: It. Just. Makes. Sense. I know it may not make a whole lot of sense to you right now, but hopefully through these letters, and in the health centre, we can create a clearer understanding. And maybe of life, the universe, and everything too.