What Is Chiropractic Anyway?

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July 30, 2006


Issue #3: Stimulation Gravity Adjustment

It always happens that the thoughts you actually want to impart at the given moment only occur to you five minutes after sending the e-mail or after hanging up the phone. Nonetheless, before discussing D.D's first adjustment, how I wanted to tie magnetism in with the human being is as follows:

As I mentioned in Issue #1, we operate by virtue of all the input, or stimuli, that we receive all day, every day. These are environmental signals. And one of the first signals the human integrates is the force of gravity. Like one reader responded last week: it's like the Easter Bunny. We all know it exists but nobody can prove it.

Every nerve cell requires stimulation for its development. Stimulation is kind of like its nourishment. It's what it needs to grow and thrive. The body has ways of self-stimulating but most input comes from the environment. The nervous system is the first thing to develop in a brand new foetus, since this will be the master control system to direct the rest of development, and ultimately function throughout the rest of the human's life. So the first environmental signal that this new system encounters is... gravity. Gravity stimulates and orientates the growing nervous system, and is fundamental in its survival.

How is is that bean stalks always know which way to grow? Maybe someone can get back to me...

In brief, D.D. Palmer gave the first adjustment to a janitor named Harvey. Stories abound as to how, when and where exactly: Ranging from an adjustment to the neck (one of the cervical bones), to a haphazard slap on the back because Harvey had his iPod on too loud. But what presides is the fact that apparently the guy's hearing was restored. However you look at it, there are no nerves running from any of these locations directly to one's ear.

I'm sure at some point most of us have heard that chiropractors move bones off of nerves, which have become compressed somehow through their displacement. Yet, if you've ever seen the cross section of the human spine in vitro, there is an astronomical amount of tissue and muscle surrounding it - way more than one imagines by just touching the surface of the skin - therefore making it quite tricky to just "slip the bone out of place". So if it holds true that chiropractors relieve pressure only at one particular site, then how is it that results are discovered throughout the entire system: relief of headache, better digestion, restored sexual function... and Harvey's hearing... when areas of the body and/or spine are stimulated or adjusted in a region, which, when looking at a chart of nerves-running-to-organs, seems to be nowhere near the area of complaint?

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