What Is Chiropractic Anyway?

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July 30, 2006


Issue #4: Vestibular System Organisation

Without fail, day after day, I come across information that proves the fact that you, sitting there reading this, is a miracle. An account of unbelievable, perfect creation. Perfectly, perfectly designed. And this is what I'm on about, since last time I was talking about Harvey's hearing problem...

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Within the inner ear there are various bits and pieces most of us are familiar with, namely the cochlea, responsible for interpreting sounds, and the semicircular canals and otolithic organs (shown underneath the canals). The canals and otolithic organs are responsible for balance and awareness of position in space and time. The otolithic organs detect how fast or slow you're going in the vertical and horizontal planes, while the semicircular canals detect angular acceleration with the use of the fluid that moves inside them. Angular acceleration was a nightmare for me in engineering school so I'll spare you equations that look like this...
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...and just tell you that your brain can work all that out in a nanosecond as your head spins to the left when you look over your shoulder - so there's no need to worry about that mathematical bollocks!

If you look at the picture above, you'll see that there are three canals, almost precisley perpendicular to each other: one for each plane - each detecting angular acceleration in that plane. The body didn't create these haphazardly and just place them at random angles, hoping for the best, so you don't fall over everytime you go for a walk. There was intent in the creation. Perfect organisation.

Okay. So what? I learnt that at school and everybody knows it, you say. But as I was reading more and more about how all this stuff works, I was staring at a picture, a "bird's-eye" cross section view of the head, which depicted both sets of canals on either side of the head. To add further to the perfection, each side works exactly and purposefully with its partner on the opposite side of the head!

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The upper left canal, in this little picture I sketched, works with the bottom canal on the right. They are functional pairs!

Maybe it's just me being weird, but so often I think we take for granted how intricately, and perfectly designed we are. And how much more respect this body my being dwells in deserves. And what I must do to reach a higher state of function; a higher state of being, awareness, health, consciousness. You're perfect in every way, so it all it has to take is the removal of interference. What's holding you back?

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