What Is Chiropractic Anyway?

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October 07, 2006


Issue #15: TV Fear Love

Matters inherent with not owning a television: Being broke enough to feel no need to necessitate the avenue of financing one; being obliged to read books as a weak substitute for mild entertainment; being compelled to infiltrate the guarded inner sanctums of others' minds with nonsensical electronic letters; not being exposed to the continual bombardment of mass media manipulation interjecting a two-hour program which is really only thirty minutes in actual length due to relentless intellect-altering advertising.

"Where do you point your furniture then?!" Joey retorts in an episode from Friends, as he stands in a TV-less room.

I used to watch the one-eyed babysitter at a different time in my life - when I wasn't working an unpaid sixty-hour week as a chiropractic student - and now I find when I do sit down in front of the tube on the rare occasion, the stimulation is so overwhelming it often leaves me buzzing with a subliminal sense of anxiety. It's a strange sensation if one is unaccustomed to watching television at length. In a study done by the Children's Hospital and Regional Medical Centre in Seattle, it was shown that early exposure of television to children aged one to three was associated with attention problems at age seven [1] . Sometimes I'd experiment on myself in a subtle form of self abuse, particularly with foreign networks like Fox News. That one was my personal favourite. All the intense colours, noxious sound bytes, rapid scene cuts, tenacious advertising, and incessant fear-mongering for viewers everywhere:

They're out there. We don't know who they are, or where they are, but they're out there.
And they've got guns. Big ones.


Whatever happened to the simple life? Take me to a time in history when doctors of chiropractic didn't have to explain to every television-owning Westerner that an adjustment is the best thing for you. And one of the safest by virtue not only of statistics, but because of the fastidious care the doctor has for you. No, I'm not going to stroke you out. Let's maintain perspective here: The probability of a neck adjustment affecting a blood vessel adversely is 1 in 5.85 million adjustments [2], and the individual was more than likely predisposed to the rupture or thrombus with the life-history he or she brought to the table prior to the event anyway. Meaning something was bound to go wrong whether the person was painting the ceiling, receiving a shampoo, blowing their nose or having sex. Comparatively, there's five times more risk of being killed by driving 1.77km to the chiropractor's office, or 500 times more risk of dying during spinal surgery, or 1,000 times more risk of dying from the contraceptive pill. Those most at risk of stroke? Female smokers on the contraceptive pill in their thirties. So girls... stoppit. One of them. Both of them. Stoppit.

Mission of Light, Brazil 2006 [3]. Courtesy Louise Christophersen.

Take me to a place where people queue for the divinity of human contact. Where scores stand outside and clap and sing praise of the chiropractors for the service they offer, without apprehension, regardless of cost. People whose decisions for chiropractic care are made without fear, nor created by a process of elimination. A place where present time consciousness is most intense because there are no egos, no misconceptions, no negativity, no distorted views on what is supposed to be. Only an appreciation for the expression of life through human hands: People wanting to reconnect to their Source. Not merely maintaining homeostasis, which is simply not dying, but enhancing autopoeisis: An on-going process of self creation that defines identity.

Mission of Light, Brazil 2006 [3]. Courtesy Louise Christophersen.

Take me there. Where people don't live in a world of instant gratification - of instant messaging, instant e-mail, instant coffee, instant food, instant drugs - and expect... demand human healing to play by the same rules purely because they pay dollars for it. It's this world of instant gratification we live in that causes people to forget the body works in its own time, in the right environments, with the right energies. It causes people to forget that the apparent simplicity of no longer being in pain is actually a miracle - of mechanisms unknown. But beyond pain are more miracles, due only to those with open hearts and open minds that actively seek higher tiers of enlightenment.

The late doctor of chiropractic and author of Life Without Fear, Fred Barge, said this: "No false societal belief, no matter how well financed, can withstand the onslaught of a collective change in public consciousness." Turn your television off. Go do something. Be a part of the solution today.

© Neil Bossenger 2006

New Zealand


  1. Early Television Exposure and Subsequent Attentional Problems in Children: http://www.seattlechildrens.org/home/pdf/early_television_and_attentional_problems.pdf
  2. Haldeman, et al. Spine. 1999. Vol 24-8.
  3. For more on the Mission of Light and other world missions, go to: http://www.adjustworld.com

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