What Is Chiropractic Anyway?

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November 03, 2006


WICA (17) The Product

In my quest to always deliver something outlandish, witty, and contemporary with a hint of credibility, these letters usually take me three to four hours to create. Unfortunately though, this exam period ill affords me that availability of time to come up with fresh and funky material. But then again, in terms of hearing what chiropractors actually do, I'm always hard pressed to find fresh and funky material anyway. Point in case: I think it relevant one understands one's product, if one wishes to sell it, yes? And what better place to begin to understand this, than defining the area of the body chiropractors choose to address when they make a contact. Further to that, understanding what it is they're trying to achieve. That's all I ever want to know, personally.

In my ever-graceful demeanour of passive-aggression, let me say that I'm a little embarrassed the word energy doesn't feature in any definitions of 'subluxation' I've ever read. For one, that puts the profession 90 years behind the times, since Time's Person of the Century first introduced the Theory of Relativity and altered the way scientists view the world forever. For another, is it just me, or does anyone take notice of the fact that certain changes in any individual post-adjustment are instantaneous? It doesn't make sense to constantly give subluxation the qualities of a lesion because these are time-dependant factors. Meaning: If inflammation and pressure were damaging nerves in some way, leading to degeneration, then this would require time to reverse. Reversing axonal degeneration is not an instantaneous process - the one chiropractors witness every single time they adjust someone. Please, keep your lesion.

Energy is not an airy-fairy concept. It's been around since the dawn of anything remotely scientific. In some instances it can even be measured: Enthalpy is the sum of internal energy plus the pressure energy in the environment. What more is subluxation than a symptom of environment energy pressure an individual experiences? The process of subluxation occurs at the interface of mindbody and environment. The tools we use to perceive our environment are our senses (a major component of this being the nervous system), so when the senses are under pressure, stress manifests in the body. Anywhere. It's different for everybody. This stress alters the way you perceive the world, and compromises your ability to respond to it. Stress begets stress. A difficult cycle to break out of unless you have someone to help you. Thankfully, I know just the person.

This is a little something I threw together last year the day before it was due at college. I still like it. It's my definition of the service I sell; how I help people; why chiropractic is for anyone and everyone; and it allows me to make friends with professionals beyond the supposed scope of chiropractic. Before you read further though, riddle me this: Where and how are memories stored?

A bit of old school, a bit of new school. For those in the game, here ya go...


A correctable phenomenon, caused by a number of factors, most notably trauma, toxin and autosuggestion [D.D. Palmer], resulting in dysponesis* [C. Kent].

* Dysponesis [dys- + Gr. Ponesis Toil, exertion] a reversible physiopathological state consisting of unnoticed, misdirected neurophysiologic reactions to various agents (environmental events, bodily sensations, emotions, and thoughts) and the repercussions of these reactions throughout an organism. These errors in energy expenditure, which are capable of producing functional disorders, consist mainly of covert errors in action-potential output from the motor and premotor areas of the cortex.

Trauma, toxin and autosuggestion only elicit characteristics of dysponesis when the mindbody is unable to integrate their forces. The "unintegrated" state arises at a suprasegmental level, as well as at the level of consciousness, since the flow of information in living systems is from "above, down, inside and out" [ D.D. Palmer].

Information is perceived by each of the fifty trillion cells that comprise the human body. Each bit of information is interpreted in particle or wave format, which offers room for explanation of transfer and transduction of the energy in forms of chemical or mechanical stimuli, or in the form of what can be described as mental impulse (spirit).

Interference patterns of wave-like information might be able to explain dysponesis as a result of autosuggestion, or perceived stressors in one's environment, because information is most certainly integrated at a level of consciousness - not just that which is merely a physical force or chemical acting on matter. Karl Pribram suggests that the brain (and central nervous system) functions with holographic properties because of the innumerable connections of neurons and their branches, setting up a kaleidoscope of criss-crossing electrical wave patterns throughout the body. And since the central nervous system is said to be the master control system, this wave-front nature of brain-cell connectivity could offer explanation for a type of information sharing, considering especially how each cell functions by virtue of the information it receives at a membranous level, according to Dr. Bruce Lipton. Aberrations in interference may result in dysponesis, and hence dysautonomia and dyskinesia.

It is not yet known why or how this unintegrated form of information/energy manifests somatically, in specific areas, such as the spine for example, but the chiropractor is aware that the phenomenon is evidently correctable by virtue of the stimulation the chiropractic adjustment offers. Specific and appropriate stimulation is able to restore equilibrium to function of the autonomic system, simultaneously providing input to the cerebellum and cortex, which may have been under or over-stimulated. In an article by David R. Seaman [1], it was postulated that the chiropractic adjustment might normalize afferent input to the nervous system - currently experiencing a habitual behaviour of dysafferentation - and therefore re-establish nociceptive and kinaesthetic reflex thresholds. All-in-all, harmony is brought to the system, functional disorders and motor and premotor outputs are corrected, energy expenditure and environmental response is appropriated, and thus dysponesis is reversed :)

© Neil Bossenger 2006

New Zealand

Notes and references

  1. Seaman, D. R. and Winterstein, J. F. Dysafferentation: A Novel Term to Describe the Neuropathophysiological Effects of Joint Complex Dysfunction. A Look at Likely Mechanisms of Symptom Generation. JMPT, 1998. 21(4): p.267-280 ( http://www.chiro.org/ChiroZine/ABSTRACTS/Seaman_dysafferentiation.shtml)

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