What Is Chiropractic Anyway?

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January 27, 2007


WICA (20) Streaming Audio

In our macroscopic view of the world, we only ever see the goldfish. We become fixated on the goldfish. Deep states of meditation should unequivocally lend one's bowl to an absence of the goldfish: A thought that tinkers back and forth in the humdrum of the mind. If the goldfish is a thought, then the water is consciousness itself. Consciousness includes all possibilities and realities in their totality, and it is the very space and matrix in which awareness progresses to its ultimate potentiality. A potentiality of absolute self awareness.


Becoming more self aware leads to the realisation that there's not only one goldfish, but hundreds; thousands even. All streaming to and fro. Your eye darts from one to the next attempting to capture its image in entirety - but what if they all look the same? Every goldfish has the same languid, vacuous look upon its face, burping bubbles past drooping eyelids. Then you discover everybody else's bowls are filled with the same fish. Barring why some fish in certain bowls end up doing backstroke while others complete tumble turns and evolve society, imagine the fish can transcend and cross from bowl to bowl like radio waves. Are we connected? Was that goldfish truly yours to begin with? Ego in its self righteous quest to create its own identity as separate and distinct, tries to claim each goldfish as its own. Ego attempts to claim ownership of every thought. Prefixing a thought as mine becomes tyrannical in a sense, and results in recurrent patterns and distortions of thought because the mind is totally unreliable. It turns into a cauldron of blurred memories that change over time. The stories you tell your friends change every year. Time is like a drug: too much could kill you. A thought dominates, disturbing the matrix of the water which is ever-peaceful.

Goldfish after goldfish: They are all simply choices to respond to from moment to moment. Thoughts are presented as streaming audio. Feelings are choices too, from moment to moment, wending their way behind the glass for us to browse, instead of seeing past them to the infinite energy of the matrix of consciousness... and the potentiality of self awareness. Interpreting thoughts and feelings as mere choice is a powerful tool in times of high-strung drama, when all one need do is choose something else from the menu.

How this becomes relevant is in understanding the power of the conscious and the subconscious mind. The conscious mind is where you feel you are able to possess some form of control over cognition. And the subconscious mind is the autopilot. To contrast the two, if I were to stand at the Sun Gate, like I did in 1998, and look upon Machu Picchu, the only information from the image that my conscious mind would be able to process would be the dot in the image below. 500,000 times more information is conducted via the nervous system to the subconscious mind every second (all the black in the image).


The nervous system is streaming millions of bits of information per second. More than we could ever hope to comprehend. Laying claim to any goldfish as one's own seems embarrassingly rudimentary and might be reserved for the Neanderthal, not the developed being we claim to be today. Their bowls were more suited anyway with a brain case that could hold 1.6 litres.

The subconscious information around us affects the energy matrix of consciousness - the water - without one even being aware. It is always constant, yet always changing. Energy is not static. It is always conserved, illustrated by the first law of thermodynamics, which states that energy is neither created nor destroyed. Within our own physical beings, when the flow of energy is not balanced, it is either being purged or stored in excess. Every system in the body requires energy for perfect function. Streaming information from a stressful environment takes its toll on the body subconsciously. Muscle tension, lethargy, weight gain, weight loss, headaches, sickness and disease may all manifest like a river that has stilled and begins to become stagnant and pungent. Closer and closer we creep toward rigor mortis.

Chiropractic is not a pill. It affects change at a subconscious level because energy is transferred from practitioner to patient, and the body utilises the energy to restore a balance of flow within itself, establishing stronger connections within the nervous system, processed at a subconscious level. The energy alters brain patterns. Outgoing messages are appropriated better to incoming messages, and all the manifestations of muscle tension, lethargy, weight gain, weight loss, headaches, sickness and disease start to reverse... naturally. It's not magic, it's a fundamental law.

© Neil Bossenger 2007

New Zealand


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